Thursday, June 26, 2014

Help for College Freshman

I may have not "been in college" for long but I already know and understand things college freshman need to know.
1.       Prioritize.
·         Your school work comes before anything else. Especially before your social life.
·         If you find yourself having a lot of time to chill with friends and be on social network sites, but not enough time to do your homework you might want to check your priorities.
2.       Don’t get overwhelmed.
·         Don't let your work pile up on you and then when the due date gets her you got to try to finish all of it.
·         If you know your due date try to do a certain amount of work each day.
3.       Don’t get stressed
·          I know sometimes the work gets hard and it seems like a lot but you can't let that stress you out.
·         When you get stressed things seems 10x worst then what they really are.
4.       Don’t procrastinate
·         I am a big procrastinator and I see already that I'm going to have to change that.
·         The only thing procrastination is going to do is stress me out, cause me to fail, and hurt me in the long run.
Below I have a link that will help out.

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